April 27, 2010

FLD call for nominations

The French Language Division Nominating Committee is pleased to call for nominations from the FLD membership for the following positions:

Administrator (2-year term)
Assistant Administrator (2-year term)

Election of these officers is held every two years in accordance with our FLD bylaws. The results of the election will be announced at the FLD Annual Meeting, which will be held during ATA’s 51st Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado, October 27-30, 2010. Terms will be served from that date.

FLD officers must be members of the French Language Division as well as voting members of ATA. You will find a summary of duties for both the administrator and assistant administrator positions online at http://www.americantranslators.org/divisions/Officer_Duties.pdf
Serving in a division leadership role provides enormous opportunity, both professionally and personally. Division officers frequently find themselves becoming more successful in their own careers as they develop additional skills, make useful business connections, and share ideas with other division members.

Your assistance in helping the FLD Nominating Committee identify interested, capable colleagues is crucial to the election process and the division. Qualified candidates must be voting (active or corresponding) members of ATA and members of the French Language Division. Any division member may make a nomination, and self-nominations are also welcome.
If you plan to put a name forward for a nomination, it would be helpful if you could contact the potential nominee first and tell them of your intention. Let them know that a nomination does not guarantee a formal invitation to run for office. Remember that FLD officers serve on a volunteer basis; please do not nominate colleagues who express serious concerns about service or who have conflicting priorities.

To nominate a candidate for FLD office, you may contact any member of the Nominating Committee listed below or download the Nomination Form from http://www.atanet.org/divisions/elections_2010/nomform_FLD.pdf

The nomination form may be mailed, emailed or faxed to ATA Headquarters:

Jamie Padula
Chapter and Division Relations Manager
American Translators Association
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Fax (703) 683-6122

A Nominating Committee has been appointed to actively seek nominations for candidates. Members of the 2010 FLD Nominating Committee are:

• Alan Dages RightWord33 AT cs.com
• Julie Porter julie.porter AT prodigy.net
• Karen Tkaczyk karen AT mcmillantranslation.com (Chair)
• Patrice Vanhyle pvhtranslate AT yahoo.com

Following the publication of the slate of candidates to our membership, there will be a 30-day window of time in which written petitions from additional candidates will be accepted. Each candidate’s petition to be added to the ballot must be accompanied by signatures of 15 FLD members in good standing.

In the case of an uncontested election, Division officers shall be declared by acclamation. In the case of a contested election, balloting shall be conducted only by mail ballot, and ballots will be mailed to membership no later than September 15, 2010. Faxed ballots will be accepted. There will be no voting by proxy.

July 2 Deadline for nomination for officers to Nominating Committee
July 21 Slate of candidates published
September 4 Deadline for receipt of petition to add candidates to slate
September 15 Ballots mailed if more than one candidate running for any office
October 20 Deadline for receipt of ballots

We hope you will take this opportunity to consider stepping forward as a volunteer during the coming year – if not as a candidate for office, then perhaps as a mentor to a new member or a contributor to our division newsletter. There are many ways to be involved, and volunteering is a wonderful way not only to share your experience but also to expand your network of contacts.

As always, your support of the French Language Division and ATA is appreciated.

Thank you,
2010 FLD Nominating Committee

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